Riding for the Disabled Associaton
Our active Riding for the Disabled group provides lessons for schools during term time.
The costs of lessons are subsidised through fundraising by our amazing team of volunteers.
We also enjoy teaching individual child and adult riders with both physical and learning disabilities and have reliable, steady horses and experienced volunteers. These 1:1 and group lessons run throughout the week, and we offer horse care courses as well as riding lessons.
Please contact us if you would like more information about lessons for adults and children with disabilities. For more information about Barnfield Riding for the Disabled Association, click here.

Fun days to raise money for
Barnfield RDA!
Barnfield Riding for the Disabled Association needs to raise over £20,000 each year to provide lessons and rides for disabled children and adults.
Barnfield Riding School helps organise lots of fundraising events such as summer and Halloween fun days for our local community in aid of the RDA. They’re great fun and involve the whole community!
This money helps us to keep improving our facilities for all our disabled riders so EVERYONE can enjoy horses and learn from them…
Thank you for helping us provide even more riding opportunities!
Sponsor a horse or pony for Riding for the Disabled?
Our disabled children and adult riders are a vital part of the community at Barnfield Riding School.
YOU can help us to provide even more riding for local people with disabilities by sponsoring a Barnfield horse!
Sponsorship gives a regular income each month to help pay for riding lessons for our riders with disabilities. There are various sponsorship levels, starting at just £5 each month.
If you can help us in this way – call 020 8546 3616!

How you can get involved
Our volunteers are an essential part of Barnfield Riding for the Disabled team. Without them (and you!) we simply couldn't function. We have lots of opportunities for people to help us:
Caring for the horses and ponies
Helping our disabled riders by being a side walker or leader
Fundraising for BRDA at local events
DIY jobs on the yard
Cleaning tack
Painting around the yard
Previous experience with horses, riding or working with disabled riders is not a requirement. We can teach you all that!
To find out more, please get in touch on 0208 546 3616 or email info@barnfieldrda.org.